
What is enamel?

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Enamel is a glaze baked onto the surface of a metallic material such as iron at high temperatures. The metallic material is covered with glass, so not only it has strength, but also conducts heat well. As it is covered with glass, it enjoys a unique advantage; corrosion resistance and beautiful gloss. Consisting of only iron and glass; it does not have any harmful substances, so you can use it without any worries. 

・Beautiful hue

Vitreous can be colored, so you can enjoy the beautiful hue and its gloss. It was baked, so it will not lose its color. 


Resistant to acid and salt, it is also suitable for preservation. Its surface is covered with glass, so it has no adsorptive. You can use it to preserve pickles and pickle other items as well as this as a preservation container. Use it for cooking and preserving pungent foods like curry rice as the container doesn't hold scents. It has excellent heat resistance.

・Easy to maintain

The surface is smooth and non-stick unlike steel or iron. It is easy to wash and maintain. It is hard to get dirty and doesn't hold odor, lessens the amount of potential germs.

・Thermal source

It is all power sources. You can use it with IH and fire. It is not microwave safe.

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Advantages of Pearl Life’s enamel

We use carefully selected and high-quality steel plate and glaze, to bolster the strength and cohesion of the enamel making it a beautiful, long-lasting item. Productions of Chinese factory are centrally managed by us and we have stable quality and the volume of production.


It cannot stand shock and drop. Its surface is glass, so it might be chipped or split due to shock or drop. When its glass is chipped due to shock or drop, a part of iron (deep silver) will often appear.

In processing, there are a few parts that cannot be glazed; the edge, which is equivalent to the section of a steel plate, and the trace created by the hanging tool at burning. Therefore, the whole item cannot be covered with glass. If untreated parts are exposed to water, acid, or salt, rust may develop. However, the item is still able to be used with no worries. Maintenance can prevent rusting. After using this, drain and dry it.

Metallic tawashi and abrasive will damage its surface, so do not use them.